Recently, Canadian folk singer-songwriter Jordan Hart chatted with ai love music via email about his musical journey, his influences, and the release of his debut EP Only Pieces of the Truth and single “Freedom”. The recently released music video for “Freedom” is a must-watch as it has an important message! Keep on reading what is the message behind “Freedom” and how he partners with L’Arche Canada and Tonic DNA in releasing this music video.
Listen to Only Pieces of the Truth and “Freedom” down below and let me know what you think in the comments!
Please introduce yourself!
My name is Jordan Hart. I’m a singer/songwriter/producer from Canada living in Toronto, Ontario.
What musical artists or genres have inspired you?
Many different genres and artists have inspired me throughout my life from orchestral musicians like Joshua Bell to modern R&B artists like Frank Ocean to experimental Folk musicians like Bon Iver. Some other notable artists and composers who influence my music today include: Leif Vollebekk, John Mayer, Thomas Newman, and Novo Amor
How did you get into music? And how has that journey been like?
I come from an incredibly musical family and in a way, music was a part of my life right from the beginning. I still have vivid memories of my mom singing in 5-part harmony with her brothers and sisters and father around campfires when I was very young and my parents singing to and with me even long before then. Music was a big part of my life until I started royal conservatory piano lessons, which honestly turned me away from it for a while, haha.
After a bit of time away from the rigidness of the lessons, I started to fall in love with playing songs by ear again and making things up on guitar and piano. This led to me eventually write my first songs. I loved the process and the outlet so much that I never stopped and haven’t looked back since.
Let’s talk about your newest EP Only Pieces of the Truth. How was it like putting it together?
Each song on this EP came with a different approach. For example, “Docks” (the opening track), came together as a collage of improvised ideas. Nothing was pre-envisioned; it was all just done by playing with interesting delays and sounds, massaging them together, and then improvising over the result.
In contrast, “I Don’t Want to Let You Go” and “Freedom” (both of which I had been performing for quite a while before I brought them into the studio), were put together very intentionally with a clear vision in mind before laying down the first tracks. Only “Pieces of the Truth” was probably the most difficult. I must have produced more than 10 distinctly different versions of that song before I found one that felt right.
This EP is the first body of work that I created fully on my own. I am planning to explore collaboration with many different writers and producers in the future, but it will always be special to be able to look back and know that I started with something that was just me. With all of its flaws and imperfections, it’s a snapshot of who I am at this time in my life.
Does the EP have a singular theme or many? What are the meaning behind them, if any?
The songs on this EP were written over the past 6 years of my life as a performing artist. They explore a desire to deepen my relationships with the people in my life as well as my relationship with myself.
Let’s talk about “Freedom”. What is this about?
This song is about the search for personal freedom in the modern world. I recognize that that is different for everyone depending on so many variables. While some are repressed physically and socially from living their freest lives, others are struggling to find freedom from their own thoughts and inhibitions. This song is about the deep desire to feel that freedom and its pursuit.
Let’s talk about the music video as it is very special and important. What is the story about? And why was it important to feature this story?
This video, a collaboration between myself, L’Arche, and Tonic DNA brings the coming-of-age story of a boy with Down Syndrome who learns to navigate the world with a loving mother, an absent father, a classroom bully, and a life-long crush. In a time where there are so many beautiful conversations being had about social justice, I have noticed that people with intellectual disabilities are often left out of these conversations because they do not have the capacity or the desire to participate in them.
I wanted to shed as much light as I could on this subject; not asking for money or time, but just an openness to give people with intellectual disabilities as much of a chance as they would give anyone else to become valuable members of their lives.
“Freedom” is released in part with L’Arche Canada. Could you tell me about this organization and what do they mean to you?
L’Arche is an international organization that provides loving communities for people with intellectual disabilities. My family has been a part of the organization since I was very young, and the cause is something that is very close to my heart. I’ve noticed that people are commonly quite uncomfortable around people with intellectual disabilities and that there are many misconceptions about some of them.
In this beautiful time when there are so many important conversations happening around social equality and supporting individuality, I wanted to lend my voice to help spark a conversation around this group that would likely not have the means to start it for themselves. The biggest thing that I am hoping to help spread is a deep love that surrounds this community. In my experience, the core members of L’Arche have more to offer me than I could return, especially in the way of teaching me to love and be loved. Sitting around a table in these communities, I have always felt valued for who I am beyond titles, money, and material.
What do you want listeners to listen for in your music?
I hope that this music takes people to a peaceful, healing place and that it helps them feel more comfortable to be vulnerable with themselves and the people they love. I hope to see these songs become theirs as much as they are mine.
What are your future plans?
Because of COVID, I am on the edge of my seat with excitement to perform live again. As soon as it’s possible to play live shows, I hope to tour and play as many as I can. One good thing that’s come from the pandemic, however, is that because of all of the spare time, I’ve had the ability to create a second EP, which I’m excited to announce is almost fully ready to release!
Finally, do you have any messages for the readers of ai love music?
I would like to thank you and them for taking the time to read this and for supporting creators in this way. It means the world to us!