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Happy First Day of Fall/Autumn! To celebrate this beautiful season, Today’s Daily Feature is “First Day of Fall” by American Folk artist Nathaniel David Knox. This is what the artist had to say about the song:
“First Day of Fall” is a fun song that details the end of the summer and the beginning of autumn in someone’s life. It features an upbeat tempo with a lively banjo and acoustic guitar riffs. Knox continues that big energy with big vocals with reverb. The melody and energy in both the chorus and verses are infectious with their melodic ways and catchiness. “First Day of Fall” captures the fun yet hopeful vibe of autumn perfectly.
Yet, in the middle of the verse and chorus is a lovely little section nestled in between. It is a beautiful representation of leaves falling with a soft, melodic vocal line in the higher range. It is accompanied by bells and a softer guitar melody. It is played in a slighter slower tempo to give that sense of gazing at falling leaves. It is quite delightful!
Nathaniel David Knox’s newest single is a perfect song for the spirit of autumn. The tune features huge energy, captivating melodies, and fall motifs in the instrumentation. It is such an enjoyable tune that will be perfect for anyone’s fall playlist!
Make sure to check out “First Day of Fall” down below, and let me know what you think!
About the Artist: Nathaniel David Knox
Atlanta, Georgia native Nathaniel David Knox creates music of all kinds as much as he can—whether it’s original compositions and scores for his SEVERAL STORIES HIGH podcast, cozy lo-fi instrumentals, eclectic indie tunes with heartfelt vocals… or anything else that decides to spark and spring up from his imagination.