An individual’s finances can suffer greatly from online scams, which also have the potential to steal sensitive information that can be a nightmare to rectify. Typically, phishing scams take the form of innocent requests from online hackers. If you comply with their demands or provide your Social Security information, it is imperative that you promptly contact your bank to prevent the opening of new accounts.
If you think that only older people are at risk, then you are wrong. A lot depends on the mood, the ingenuity of the scammers, and whether they can hook our feelings. However, using the practices listed below, you can avoid cybersecurity scams or at least minimize the risks.
How to avoid cybersecurity scams when working on the Internet?
#1 Use separate devices
Your IT department usually ensures the quality of the additional security solutions and integrated protection equipped on your work devices. This way, they can guarantee 24/7 device updates and protection. Hence, working remotely using a company-provided device is the safest approach for all work-related tasks.
#2 Use unique passwords
In 2023, a staggering 15% of data breaches were attributable to stolen or compromised credentials, and resolving such incidents took an average of nearly 11 months. To safeguard yourself online, it is crucial to use strong and unique passwords. Avoid using the same password for multiple accounts.
Why should you do this? Consider the following scenario: A website that you use for recreational purposes, such as word puzzles, suffers a data breach, allowing fraudsters to acquire your email and password combination. What will these individuals do next? They will attempt to log in to email platforms, social media sites, and financial institutions using the compromised credentials. By utilizing strong and unique passwords, you can mitigate the consequences of data breaches. For more information on creating robust passwords, please refer to our guidelines.
#3 Pay attention to network security
You are responsible for securing your home network, whether you use your employer’s devices or not. Enhance your home office security by safeguarding your network. Start by setting up a password for your Wi‑Fi, if you haven’t done so already. If your router’s default password is still in use, change it immediately. Hackers often know these default passwords, making them vulnerabilities in both Wi‑Fi and network security.
Another important VPN security tool. You can even set it up on your router. However, there are versions for iPhone, Mac, and other platforms. One of the key VPN features that you should pay attention to when choosing a provider is the kill switch. The technology breaks the connection if the connection with the VPN server is lost. This is necessary so that traffic does not continue to flow directly. If you are looking for a VPN kill switch iPhone, then here is a good option. VeePN has all modern security methods and many servers.
#4 Be careful with links
Phishing, the foremost method of online fraud in 2023, aims to deceive you into revealing personal information by posing as a familiar organization or individual, such as a bank, retailer, or medical provider.* Exercise critical thinking to scrutinize the source before clicking on emails or text messages from unknown senders. Refrain from opening attachments or links unless their safety is assured. Emails may contain spyware or malware, which can enable hackers to access personal data. When uncertain, verify the information by directly contacting the purported sender through alternative means, such as calling their company’s main phone number.
#5 Use cloud services
Sharing sensitive documents, conducting online meetings, and collaborating virtually are all made possible through cloud services. As remote work becomes essential, the reliance on cloud-based software and technology is undeniable. However, it is crucial to be aware that the security of these services can vary depending on the provider. Free solutions may not offer the same level of security as enterprise cloud solutions. To ensure compliance with your organization’s security requirements, always consult with your company to verify which cloud services are approved for use.
#6 Implement 2FA
Simple passwords are no longer sufficient to prevent unauthorized access to your tools or user data. They have lost their former power. Additional layers of security are now necessary, especially for remote workers.
In today’s world, hackers utilize more sophisticated and malicious techniques, such as keylogging, phishing, and pharming, to steal passwords. To enhance employee protection, it is imperative to require two-factor authentication (2FA) as an additional step in the login process, between password entry and account access. Implementing 2FA makes it harder for hackers to infiltrate work devices and gain access to user data.
#7 Don’t share personal information
Avoid sharing personal information in messages or emails, as it could potentially be a phishing attempt. Before disclosing any personal data, verify the legitimacy of the request.
Sharing pictures of your remote work equipment on social media poses a cybersecurity risk, as it could inadvertently reveal sensitive information. The same applies to using your webcam, which may compromise the privacy of your family members.
Unfortunately, the list above does not cover all possible security risks. As phishing attacks become more sophisticated and in light of the COVID-19 situation, it is crucial to review the setup for remote employees and address potential risks. To enhance your “human firewall” and reduce the chances of a data breach, ensure that all employees receive comprehensive security awareness training, which includes a remote workplace component.