Whenever someone makes a comprehensive marketing plan, email marketing automation is bound to be present in there somewhere. While you might think it is not as popular these days, it actually is growing in importance. Overlooking it can seriously hinder the progress of your campaign, resulting in lower open and engagement rates.
So, while digital marketing does encompass various aspects of social media, you cannot overlook the importance of email marketing automation. Hence, we have compiled a list of dos and don’ts of email marketing throughout this article. All the tips and precautions listed here will assist you in building an unforgettable and effective campaign.
Clearing Cache: Starting a Clean Slate
Clearing your cache, first and foremost, enhances your overall web browsing experience. It does so by boosting speed and efficiency. Moreover, you should clear cache on Mac to resolve display issues caused by outdated data. It becomes a vital part of your email marketing automation process. Hence, learn how to empty caches to make your strategy more seamless and practical. Delete browser cache to safeguard your privacy and security, preventing the exposure of your personal information and login credentials—clear Safari caches for an excellent marketing experience.
Also, troubleshooting your cache files is essential when you encounter website issues. It saves storage space and provides information that is vital and vital to your marketing campaign. Additionally, online searches and data collection can be minimized by reducing inventory providing some privacy protection. Emptying your storage regularly is an easy step to maintain optimal browser performance and security while enjoying a smooth digital experience.
The Dos of Email Marketing Automation
Now, we will delve into the best automation practices you can follow. In this section, you will find various dos to follow, allowing you to boost your open rates and create more engaging content. Remember, you need to focus on all aspects to create a successful campaign.
1. Focus first on the subject line
You might look past the subject line and head straight to the content. While it’s no secret that the content you present is of utmost importance, you cannot neglect the subject line. In fact, your customers will read the subject line first thing. Hence, if you don’t write an honest, compelling, and creative subject line, your clients might lose interest pretty quickly. Moreover, once you establish a solid beginning, your work is basically halfway done.
2. Be yourself
Just because you have to send emails out in bulk doesn’t mean you need to skimp on the content. Many people might start adding catchy yet false titles, catchy phrases, or fall advertisements to increase their open rates. However, over time, this will quickly lead to you losing clients. In other words, ensure the content you deliver is genuine and authentic to your brand.
3. Make sure your audience is segmented
Sometimes, there is absolutely no point in your marketing automation workflow if your audience is not segmented correctly. By splitting your list of clients into smaller ones, you can create more targeted and personalized emails. However, keep in mind that you will constantly have to update your lists, as some might delete your emails or stop being consistent clients altogether.
4. Optimize your content for mobile phones
Over 95% of people access the internet through their phones as opposed to the 63% who access it through their laptops. That means your marketing automation strategy should be tailored to mobile phones as well. Hence, you should optimize your content for all devices and all operating systems. You can usually check it yourself from different devices. However, some email automation applications allow you to optimize it automatically.
5. Proofread and make things readable
Well, no one likes to read complicated text messages. That policy also applies to emails. All your content should be proofread before being sent off. The whole point of doing that is to eliminate unintentional meanings or misused punctuation. Moreover, having too many spelling mistakes might make you lose the credibility and the trust of your clients. Hence, after you write an email, run it through two main applications. The first is Hemmingway, which allows you to make your content easier to read. The second is Grammarly, which fixes your spelling and grammar mistakes.
6. Remove the “do not reply” emails
If you are sending out emails that have no reply address, you might run into trouble pretty quickly. That is because it makes it much more difficult for your clients to reply and get in touch with you. Hence, consider sending out emails that have a reply address. Through this, your audience can reply to your emails, providing you with feedback and more metrics for you to evaluate. Moreover, this will build trust and a solid relationship between you and your clients.
The Don’ts of Email Marketing Automation
After we discussed the tips that you should follow, it is time to dive into the pitfalls you can easily avoid. Hence, in this section, you can learn about all the marketing automation tips and mistakes to steer away from.
1. Don’t overload with content and emails
While you might be tempted to create a crafty email response automation process, the smartest thing can be limiting the content you put out. If you keep bombarding your customers with information, they might eventually report you as spam. Everyone has been there at some point where they blocked a brand or person who once upon a time produced excellent content. Yet, the more frequent unnecessary emails you send out, the more likely you are to drive away clients.
2. Don’t forget the call to action button
Once you settle on your email’s content and visuals, it is time to focus on what you’re pointing your customers towards. Your automated email follow-up process should include a CTA (call to action) button. In other words, this is a button that leads the reader to something else, such as a product, link, or social media account. It is always best to integrate such a link in your messages, as it creates a funnel where your email results in more than just content read.
3. Don’t stuff too many graphics
You don’t want to distract your clients and readers from what is actually going on. Your automation practice should focus primarily on informing and entertaining, which falls mainly in the text part of your email. Putting too many visuals in will hinder your goals, as it will distract the readers from what is actually going on, which is the information in the text. So, keep your use of graphics, videos, and audio files to a minimum. Only use them when you feel it is vital to do so.
4. Don’t forget to pay extra attention to loyal ones
One of the marketing automation best practices is to pay extra attention to loyal clients occasionally. That means, every now and then, you should send out personalized emails to those who frequently purchase from your brand. This way, you ensure you retain their attention. However, you also provide them with some acknowledgment and added benefits, similar to how they have supported you and your brand all along.
5. Avoid turning your email into spam
There is a huge chance that your email might be turned to junk or spam if you do things the wrong way. There are several reasons your emails might be mistaken for spam. For instance, if you integrate a lot of exclamation points, then that might automatically be red-flagged. Another way your email might fall into the wrong folder is if you put in words such as “free” or “offer” too many times. Hence, avoid such mistakes. Moreover, you should definitely stop yourself from sending too many emails in one go. That might set off some alarms and label your emails as spam.
6. Avoid repetition and inconsistency
You should have a proper email automation campaign planned beforehand. This reduces the chance of you sending out the same information and content every time. Hence, it requires meticulous planning, as you should avoid the problem of repetition. Hence, have separate emails planned for different stages of automation.
For example, send out welcome emails for new clients, but also have emails sent as reminders when customers have unchecked items in their cart. Moreover, never send the same email multiple times. Even if you are attempting to push a product on your customers, you really do not want to come off as aggressive or needy.
So, that sums up the top dos and don’ts of email automation workflows. Stick to the pieces of advice given through this guide to witness your business and brand flourishing. However, remember that it all requires dedication and consistency. Hence, your automated sales emails are not a one-time thing. Instead, it is a continuous process that requires constant evaluation, reexamination, and enhancements. Avoid repetition, maintain consistency, and ensure you personalize the experience for your clients. The aim is to build trust and credibility between you and your audience.